Gillian Sheehan, Siobhan Wallace and Yinka Lambo enjoying the selection of RCSI Yearbooks on display Alumni who attended the RCSI Gathering enjoyed reminiscing over their yearbooks. Seeing photos of themselves and their classmates after decades evoked disbelief, mirth and sadness. Many of the photos and their captions are amusing, while it is hard to believe how the years change others and oneself. Friends no longer living were remembered and missed once more. Most people remarked that they still had their yearbook and knew where it was – even if they hadn’t laid hands on it for years. A few actually brought theirs along so classmates attending the reunion could sign them. Yearbooks are precious possessions. RCSI Assistant Librarians Mary Gavin and Mary O'Doherty at the Heritage Collections stand A full set of yearbooks from the first one brought out by the class of 1959-64 is a precious possession of the library too. Displaying these for our alumni to peruse g...